Thursday, September 6, 2012

..kau yang terindah

Macam2 bermain dalam fikiran..

Seriously I need an organizer. hahaha. ok mmg aku ade buku utk jot down everything. ok, i'm not using those electronic gadget thingy to put my things there. i got no samsung nor iPhone babe. nokia saja. but serious important la itu calendar, i jot everything down there. n even when ppl ask for my schedule, i quickly search from it.

nk tulih sini boleh? antaranya:

1. i wanna change 2 things in my life now; but still don't have concrete plan bout it, so lek2 lu. sambil usha tenet, usha macam2 la. even when went to that place, but still in survey mode (poyo mode pon ON gak.haha)

2. i'm thinking of fulfilling my time after work now. I mean during nite la. niat hati suci murni, arakian idea datang berguling2. tapi kalo balik umah, mandi, solat, tido. apekes? please la. (ade gaya cabar diri sendiri tak? haha forget la bout it ain) hehe

3. waiting for an offer for something that i'd apply, but to no avail, until now don't get the answer; still pending org tu kate. takpela, mungkin rezeki aku bukan di situ..saving je la dulu skang. hahak

4. planning for the big day. actually i am more to preparation for post-wedding. haha.

Think it's enough for the moment. nothing more to be explain for. as people still don't get the idea what the hell i'm talking about. haha. k, cao~

p/s: ok, tajuk entry sangat takde kaitan. it's just that I lurve the melody of the sound song =)


Unknown said...

saya pon same...ade buku kecik dalam henbeg unt jotdown seme2...apa nak buat sepanjang hari, snrai brg kperluan rumah y dah abis nak topup..kalo awak prepare for wed saya prepare for our new home..hehehe...
cam blacan buku tu dah ha..+conteng2 anak2 y sebok sama

nisa ~ shasha said...

lps keje, ko wat cheese cake utk aq. sgt berfaedah khennnn. hahaha

Ain bintu Amir said...

itu la pasal. sy actually ade buku khas, tp buku tu tebal sgt mls nk bwk sane cni. tp skg pki buku tulis sek adek je (curik.haha)

nak ka??? nnti aku wat ohkeyyy! ;D

JelinaJoli said...


Ain bintu Amir said...

heee..insyaAllah..doa2kan ye cik Jelina :)

Ndea Anuar said...

ehehehehe.... selamat menjalani persiapan luar dan dalam! =))))

Ain bintu Amir said...

so do you cik ndea. eh, i can smell something bebeh :D
known as nasi minyak, eh? ekekee


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