Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
why so serious?
Lega, tapi tak berapa nak lega, esok ngadap poli lagi, yela dah tempat cari rezeki en.
Tapi takpe, hati cam lapang sikit skang. n hopefully kekal eventhough takkan punye la. hehe. *ape aku merepek?*
so lapangkan dada, tenangkan hati. kawal kemarahan & sabar menghadapi segalanya dalam hidup ni.
dan hargai insan-insan disekeliling kita especially our family members special friends, n also friends =)
p/s: I love you.
*jiwang siot. keh3. saje je ni. ehem. jom carik kentang bentuk camni! dan makaaannn. aummm ^_^
Saturday, March 26, 2011
so minggu ni tak balik sepang la nampak gaye. apetah lagi balik bangi (eh ape kes plak ni? haha). sebab ade involve ngn konvo student. so dapat la claim cuti2 2 hari. walhal cuti aku belambak da weyy. nanti aku nak kumpul banyak2 patu time kawen nak cuti lame gileeee sampai cukup 9 bulan sampai baby keluar *ok over sudahh, tolong tarik saye keluar dari awan nano ni. hehe*
dan pagi tadi, aku dah disimbahi air hujan yang takle bla. iye saya tau hujan tu air, bukan api mahupon batu bata dari langit. tapi memang abes lencun la kan. pastu aku steady je la jalan keluar dari padang poli ke parking kereta. gaya dah ala2 Arnold Schwarzenegger(sebut betul2!) dalam cite Terminator time die mamposkan penjahat. *ok, saya google name die sebab tak reti eja. haha*
So sampai2 kat kereta je terus bersambung hujan tu. I mean ujan air mata lak. haaaa apekes???? tu la pakcik guard tu taknak kasik parking yg dekat, kan aku dah buat aksi tangkap leleh dalam kete. huk2 T-T dah lame tu baru aku sedar, aku tak sedar yang aku dah menangis. haha bongok2! *eee tamalu nye cite kat blog, satu dunia leh bace. tu pon kalo ade orang nak bace la* mkatkd*
Seriously, aku rase cam fragile gileeee.. ade baru2 ni member aku wish something yang relate ngn weekend ni pon aku hangin da. Bongok! ape nak hepy weekend nye kalo dok kat poli ni? grrrrr..
dan lagi semalam ade kete lembab dpn aku, memang super siput! so ape lagi aku pon pecut & overtake bak angin lintang! hoho puas ati den!!
dan lagi.....banyak lagi nak cite ni tapi malas ar. kih3 *seseorang dah mendengar sudah memadai.. maceh & sorry for bugging you with my stupid story.agagagaga*
so tuuu diaaaa.. maybe for guys, mende sume ni remeh temeh. tapi bagi aku, kadang2 mende kecik ni la yang bugging kite selalu. huhuuuu..dan I will do my very best to handle it & not to think much about it. I will! yes I will! =)
n btw, today's my mum's birthday. semalam time gayut pon da wish heppy birthday in advance kat mak. 49 umur, Alhamdulillah..hope mak akan tabah menghadapi dugaan & cabaran hari2 mendatang, Alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah aku dikurniakan ibu & bapa yg sangat2 supportive dan senantiasa ada..tak kire macamana teruk nye keadaan anaknye yg sorang ni. hehe..lurve youuuuuu! sayang mak!! muah! [infinity hug & kisses from me] ^_^
.:: Angah-Along-Mak ::.
erm, macam tergantung plak entri kali ni. tapi dah takde idea, so bye2. jangan lupa doakan kesejahteraan umat seantero dunia terutamanya saudara semuslim kita. Sekarang ni macam2 isu bergolak. Yg Libya toksah cite Amerika & kuasa2 besar lain dah mula interrupt. Jepun cam tengah recover dari malapetaka tsunami, Myanmar baru2 ni pon ade gegaran jugak. So kita yang masih dilindungi oleh-Nya kena sentiasa beringat. Kita lahir ke dunia seorang, maka mati nanti pon seorang juga. Tak mati kene dek tsunami, mati dek eksiden ke, dan macam2 lagi waima tengah tidur pon boleh mati. So jom kita sama2 beringat.dunia hanya sementara..akhirat kekal selamanya.. Wallahualam sekadar peringatan buat tuan punya jari jemari yang menaip ni (jangan pandai cakap je, diri sendiri lagi kene buat) & juga rakan2 yang sudi membaca blog saya yang merapu ni.
Sekian *tak macam panjang plak penutup aku ni. Wallahu'alam.
p/s: tahniah buat Din, (member Fahmi) atas berlangsungnya majlis perkahwinan beliau baru2 ni. Semoga dilimpahi Rahmat dari-Nya =) *never met him before, wish ja dulu :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
entry berat..
Lately banyak perkara yang unexpected happened in my life.. Just to name some of it:
a) My mum's admittance to hospital..as the result of low Hb level in her blood. low hemoglobin level to be exact. Normal Hb for woman will be range between 12 to 15 g/dL.. but my mom's reading is 4.5 .. [source]
malam before mak g klinik, aku ade borak kat mak on the fon, ask her bout daily routine...
and then esok siang i called her again, asking bout her day etc..then she told me that she's on her way to hospital with ayah. Mau tak terkejut aku time tu. and then after Maghrib prayer, my mum informed that she had been admitted to hospital..doc wanna ensure her Hb back to normal level.. Ape lagi mood aku toksah cite la tunggang terbalik time tu..n thanx my fren: Ndea for your wisdom words, advice, the medic thingy u elaborate wisely to me :) & juga to my housemate Fiza (sebab ko ade kat living room time tu. down gile toksah ckp la) and of course lah to him (perlu mention ni. kalo tak..heheehe)
n esoknye aku apply cuti sebab nak jage mak kat hospital.. actually aku penah dok hospital Putrajaya tu gak..as a patient..kes appendicitis time still studying at ukm time tu..so skang aku kurang 1 organ da which is apendiks. n he always remind me of my poket doremon. takpe chomel kot :)
ok, back to my mum's story.. I've been there for several nights accompanying her, helping her as best as I could..really remind me how careful she helped me during my appendicitis surgery back then *sobss* so here I am doing my very best to ensure she will be comfort though I knew it won't be perfectly perfect..
Staying at hospital seems to be cool beb. Love the odour. lol. takde keje suke bau hospital..
but now she's already at home..lurve it :) her Hb now already back to normal: 11.4 .. after done several blood transfusion, enduring mass of blood-taking session, just for the sake of collecting her blood, testing for any irregularities or abnormal results..even the doctor offered me to take the blood but maybe there's just not my luck, I gotta took the phone during that moment and as the talking-on-the-phone session end, the blood already taken by the doc *sigh*
Now, pray hard to Allah..hope that there's a solution to cure my mum..to ensure her health will be normal as before..I hope all you readers also could pray for my mum's health..semoga mak diberikan kesihatan yang baik. dapat menjalani kehidupan as normal.. i lurve her..so much! *sobss*
apelah sangat disaster yang aku rase compared to these people..

Razia, a Muslim woman, cries while praying near her destroyed home near Ahmadabad [Vengeful Hindu mobs torched Muslim homes, year 2002] source
b) second, bout tsunami at Japan..as my angah's studying there.. I just knew bout it after got a ring from my housmate, Zati. She informed me bout how the Tsunami happened in Japan, bout 8.9 Richter reading. Gile! da macam kat Acheh dulu or even worst? Then sooner my sis called me, informed that she's fine while describing bout how her belongings shaking greatly while she's doing her very best to ensure her microwave won't fall down..Alhamdulillah ya Allah my sis selamat. Syukur sangat2 sebab kalo tengok news or photos at any website, memang catastrophic abes ahh kan. Hope sangat everything gonna be ok. Tapi bile da masuk bab radiation memang takleh nak jangka kan. Serius aku teringat kes kat Chernobyl dulu (mase form5 blaja Fizik ade mention bout this disaster happened as the result of careless handling kat reactor nuclear plant kat Russia tu..and know what? I think I wanna share some findings got after googling bout this. I just can't help searching more bout this thing.heee..so here it goes ..
ok, am not gonna tell ya thoroughly bout Chernobyl disaster but I'll wrap it based on my understanding la kay.
Segalanya bermula dengan human error, kesilapan manusia tu sendiri..disebabkan sikap malas okk.Patutnye ade ujian tekanan untuk uji kemampuan reactor tu utk coooling, and sedang dijalankan pon time pekerja shift siang nak handover task ke pekerja shift malam. Yang night shift worker ni tak prasan lak test tu sedang dijalankan.so it was a lack of communication antara pekerja siang malam tu la punca utamanya (see? communication tu sangat2 penting ok!
ok, back to our story, so test tu run and run la babe. The core overheated dannnn MELETOPPPP!! BOOMMMM!! so hasilnye bekas radioactive tu terdedah ke udara with full blast beb!

Meet twins Vladimir and Michael Iariga. Michael, on the right, is the older twin. Vladimir, on the left, is deaf.
So time ni memang fire crew or bomba main peranan la padamkan api tu. and jugak ade kisah2 beberapa mangsa yang terlibat, based on writer Svetlana Alexievich entitled Voices from Chernobyl:
1. Pilot yang bawak helicopter Russian Army yang atr terawal battled the fire rase cam mencucuk2 kat seat heli die. Bbrp bulan pastu die meninggal..
2. Orang yang bertugas utk clearing kampung sekitar. Bila contract da abes,govt soh dorang hand over sume clothes utk dibuang. So ade someone ni give everything except his peberet hat, which die bagi kat anak die. So dat person died sebab keracunan radiasi tu, anak die lak mati setahun pastu sebab kanser otak.
3. Sekumpulan engineer dari Moscow yang involved pon mati gak.
Kalo nak tau lagi lanjut, leh g link ni : [source one] dan ni gak: [source two]
So kesimpulan utk kes Chernobyl ni ialah human error, jauh sangat2 dari sebab kebakaran reaktor kat Jepun which is berpunca dari natural disaster. Kehendak Allah s.w.t. Bila Dia dah tentukan, tiada sebarang kuasa yang mampu menghalangnya. Wallahualam..
ni aku ade jumpe pic sal Jepun. comel budak ni.

A one-year-old boy is checked for radiation exposure after being decontaminated in the northern Japanese city of Nihonmatsu yesterday. [source]

ini la punca I have to take my phone all by myself *gedik2*
hahahhaha. lol just kidding.
*go baby go whenever you wanna go*
* I will never hinder your passion*
go go agogo. haha cao!
takla sebenarnye nga menghitung ari nak jejak batu ni :P
ok, it's time to chillax! papai =)
p/s: sometimes i just felt that I'm lost to something ridiculous to be my rival. and I hate it! really! weks hate u (non-living things to be exact. huhu) *sigh*
Sunday, March 6, 2011
tapai. (bukan tupai)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
gile . mane la aku reti pasal mende tu, tak pepasal aku kene study gaban, ade gak aku tanye opismet yg terer sal network. Ya Allahh tak suke tau :(
serius aku down. hoho.
tapi tadi setel dah teori. ni kang lab akan datang mau tak cuak plak aku. haiyaa..
dan lately aku rase nak mengamuk je. apehal tah. sampai satu masa housemate aku pon prasan muke aku.cam masam kot. aihh nape tah. haih~
ke sebab homesick? :P
esok jumaat : yeay!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
time kite rase sakit hati..
..mungkin dengan sumthing yg TAK sepatutnye kite nak terasa pon
dan sebagainye lah..
Thanks frens :)