Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Everyday we are doing the same things..activity..especially me as an educator..

Routines can really gain boredom, but it turns different when it comes with different people, different students..

Woke up at 6+, nature's call, taking shower, brush teeth, wash my face, Subuh Prayer, iron clothes, switch on the tv, watch MHI just to know the current news, quickly prepare to go to the office, start my car, went to office, arrived, flash card, buy breakfast meal, went upstairs to office, switch on the light, eat breakfast, quickly prepared go to the class, and it's even more clumsy when my class start at 8am.

So, can you really feels how it feels to be me? cewah poyo nye ayat..

and every other day, we have fun, we gain sad moment, getting emotional on certain things, feels happy when people throw laughter on your jokes, we talk about our life, about our childhood, about our beloved family! about what happen last night..

in class, we deal with students, sometimes I myself don't really aware of my face expression, only when i got feedback from students then I know how masam I am sometimes. lol. I love my students! I hope they will benefits from all the knowledge gain in their studying phase. Not just pass in exam, but to be a good human, gain good attitude, can think out of box instead of just being spoon-feed by lecturers. (which is totally not cool at all!)

we make powerpoint slides, or sometimes instruct students to present in group, so that you guys won't be so culture-shock in university later-where no lecturers will guide you the same way we guide and 'pampered' you guys here. Absolute no!

and later, went it's already 5pm. The office still chaos, my colleagues come and go, some of them rush to the flash card machine so that they can fetch their children from the babysitters. Some of them went for Asar is much more easier if the prays is the top priority in life, hati lebih tenang, lebih mudah nak menghabiskan satu-satu keje.

for me, sometimes I change clothes, get ready for evening jog. For the moment, 2 round (3km) is enough for me as my daily routine (or maybe at least twice a week.can meh? lol)

later, went home, take a glance to the surrounding of my house. The landlord lives for about 4 homes away from the house I rent together with Emon.

Getting in, put all the bags, taking shower, ready for Maghrib, Maghrib prayer, take a quick nap where sometimes I can gain 'kebas' at my legs. sakit..n then recite Quran, try understand the meaning, then take a dinner meal. As a single person, I'd rather just eat bread with tuna spread, or with nutella flood all over the bread. lol. sometimes just took cornflakes+milk, sunsweet, any available cake, or green apple. hehe. diet kah? taktau :p

n when the eyes are so heavy, it is just nice went to the bad, n landing like an aeroplane. lol. that's my life. How's yours? Whatever it is, I'm really really syukur to Allah s.w.t for giving me all the nikmat yg tak terhingga, syukur for having such great parents, siblings, family members! colleagues! friends! and also my fiance and later InsyaAllah my husband. InsyaAllah. may the best with us. Pray hard, learn more, smile more, be grateful even more. Syukran Ya Allah! Alhamdulillah..

err, I think I'm already lost the intention for my entry today. Let it be just like what it should be. lol. whatever. adios!

Monday, October 29, 2012

luahan rasa..

This entry will somehow, contains rojak of story..mind you early!

Assalamualaikum to all readers (if any).

I'm not gonna talk too much (I try). just want to share some of my thoughts for today. Yesterday I am so happy! baking pizza by my own. Alhamdulillah jadi, just doh tak berapa keras. I used 'High Protein Flour' based on my findings in Internet. but maybe I miss some important steps, maybe.

and yesterday watching Loopers really make my mind puzzled, dizziness spread all over my head. lol. found this film with highly recommended from users at website Rotten Tomatoes. overall, i give 4 stars out of 5. Really it made me crazy just to understand the flow of the film. Time travel & action genre. U guys gotta watch! worth i guess, because in the end, it's the mother's touch that somehow can control us from doing the sins. and of course us as Muslim has to abide all the rules from Allah as our Creator.

ok, done with Loopers, I'm gonna focus on what happen today actually. This 1 thing really bug me, maybe for a while, maybe last forever? I don't know. It happens between me and couple of my students. We misunderstood something. And of course, as usual, lecturers are always right when it comes to lecturer+student matters. Even between teachers+students. (but for me, as a human, mistakes is normal, but there's plenty of ways to wisely tell someone their mistakes) because as what we've been told during kids, it is really really important to respects our teachers after our beloved parents. (not included those mind-sicko teachers-maybe only 5% of them exists-maybe lack of inner faith with their religion.)

and what matters here is, is about how the students behave to me, and to some of others lecturers too. We've already think too much on how to 'save' them and try to give the best solutions for them to repair their document, their report to be exact.

"Mane repot yg saya dah tanda before this? So I can compare the correction you've made now"

"Oh, kami dah bukak ring comb"

"****" (dalam hati gua)

"sebab kami nak jimat"

"ohh bab2 belajar nak jimat pulak?"

"awak kene buat banyak pengorbanan mase belajar ni"

and somehow I can't remember one of the student's reply but it's really pissed me off!!

"awak boleh jawab macam tu kat Puan ****** yg dah fikir cara utk repair your report ni?"

and akak colleague aku pon sambung ape yang aku dah cakap tu:

"awak ingat Miss Ain macam ni, dia akan bagi markah tinggi kat awak? We as supervisors don't simply give marks based on your product. but we evaluate you guys all-around. Comprise of (sambil tunjuk rubrik pemarkahan student), comprise of your attitude, effort, your writing, cooperation with your team members. We are not giving marks like your final presentation assessors."

aku dah diam. malas nak bercakap dengan student yang kuat menjawab tapi tak fikir ape impaknya kat dalam hati seorang pengajar. ohh, there's some other things my colleagues mention about:

"awak kene ingat yang awak berurusan dengan manusia. Kami bukan robot yang takde hati & perasaan"

I hope those students manage to think. Time bekeja kalau attitude still sama, sorry to say, you're gonna be hated by your colleagues. Though deep down in my heart I hope that things never happened in anyone especially my own students.

in the end when the students left;

"akak, saya rasa saya pon ade masalah dari segi bla bla bla bla"

yes true, I admit my own mistakes. It seems not good to blame, to keep on saying the students wrong. But I guess I (or even most of my colleagues) will be 'softer' (lembut) if the students keep on listening our suggestions rather than menjawab every little thing we said. Gila. Penat aku rase ha menaip dah boleh jadi 1 entry.

Daripada meluahkan kat orang, somehow it is just nice to share here. Lantak la sape nak bace, bace. yang penting adab dengan pengajar kene jaga. aku bukan malaikat or pembesar ke Datuk or V.I.P. but at least as students, it is best to respect those educators. simple as that!

and me as well, has to improve myself. InsyaAllah I will do that.

To the rest of my students, always know that we lecturers enjoy teaching you, we love to share knowledge with you guys. It is not an easy job mind you. It's all about patient and sacrifice. So please, please, please show at least some respect to your educators. be it a formal educator or even anyone who already teach you knowledge, be it about cooking, life, etc.

"Respect others in order to be respect!" - this quote make me reflects myself; am I lack on respecting others? because life is a circle by the way.

Adios! Wallahu'alam..

Monday, October 15, 2012

Isnin tak bersalah!

Assalamualaikum semua :)

di keheningan pagi ISNIN nan permai ini, aku pon ringankan lah jari jemari runcing nan halus (harapan) nk coret serba sedikit bout ape yg berlaku dalam life aku lately..oh by the way, motif aku capital kan word ISNIN tadi sebab aku CUTI arini! haha.hahahahaha. actually ade reason lain nak cuti, tapi trip cancel, so lepak je la umah ha. best gak, pagi2 dah anta adek apiz g Sek, PMR for today; paper Math & KH. hope he will do his very best! amin Ya Allah~

erm macam tak best plak update blog tengah dia jawab exam. nak baca pape yg patot jap la. heh. pendek gile entry ni. takpelah, buat syarat. agagaga..till then~ adioz!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

hati bagai dikocak..

I miss writing..

I mean i miss the time where i can type my thoughts here, but now banyak gile kekangan kot (otak blur teros ckap melayu. haha)

ok lah, condition, i mean hopefully urs and mine condition are in normal level. harap2nye gitulah. otak aku dah weng sket ni. keje kat opis menimbun!

skang da minggu ke-11 P&P, ade lagi 5 sem minggu until their final. aku plak cuak. apehal?

ohh and also this week ade audit dalaman. esok file under aku kene check. huhu. makmal n aset sket.

dan baru2 ni, aku cam frust sket. sket kau kate??? frust dalam2 gak la. macam susu dibalas tuba. imagine that ko dah tumpahkan seluruh ilmu, then that person cam tembak ko balik. not directly tembak sampai mati la, tapi bagi efek gak la kat aku. sumpah time aku tau tu aku sedih. gile babeng. dari ceria, terus senyap. terus membawa diri yang hiba..aku macam nak clear mind bout this little thingy yang bugging aku still ade. ahhhh

dan jugak, mcm2 la kt opis. haih. penin. aku kalut. sungguh! malas nk compare diri dgn org lain, tapi kadang2 TERcompare.

lalu...aku pon....disebabkan dah taktau nk mengadu kat sape. i mean i'd share my thoughts with some of my colleagues n my fiance, but same jugak jiwa kacau.

lalu, dengan penuh pengharapan mengharapkan ketenangan, aku capai al-Quran kat rak, then bace..n that meaning, really2 suit with my conditions now..air mata..meleleh lajuuu..not dat I'm saying Imma pious person, nope! really not (but hope so to be la)..

It's just dat all your problems are already being answered in this one mukjizat yang kekal till akhir zaman. Wanna know the ayat? Flip surah ar-Ra'd, ayat 22,24,26,28. and hayati the meaning. I paste here:

"Dan orang-orang yang sabar kerana mengharapkan keredaan Tuhan mereka semata-mata, dan mendirikan sembahyang, serta mendermakan dari apa yang Kami kurniakan kepada mereka, secara bersembunyi atau secara terbuka; dan mereka pula menolak kejahatan dengan cara yang baik; mereka itu semuanya adalah disediakan baginya balasan yang sebaik-baiknya pada hari akhirat; " [Ar-Ra'du: ayat 22]

"Allah memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya, dan Ia juga yang menyempitkannya. Dan mereka (yang ingkar): bergembira dengan kehidupan dunia, sedang kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain, hanyalah kesenangan yang kecil dan tidak kekal berbanding dengan kesenangan hari akhirat. " [Ar-Ra'du: ayat 26]

the rest, u guys better check by yourself kay. Wallahu'alam..May Allah bless all of us..amin..


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