Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah: Aku bangon lebih lambat dari Miza. muahahahahha! (gelak setan)
mane taknye. dah malam td tido lewat kol 4 lebih semata2 nk upload pic kat fs and tak lupe gak menggodek2 facebook setelah signal wifi yang diterima lebih laju daripada biasa. Walhal Ain kat sebelah aku dah tido tahap tak hengat dunia ar.
Dan tak dilupakan yang hari ni hari Earth Hour eh? 28 Mac 2009. Ade tak korang tutup segala tok nenek lampu dari 8.30 - 9.30 mlm td? hehe.
aku tutup gak la kan. Adik apis siap nk selotep suis lampu, tak mo bagi aku switch on. Bijak bistari punye budak! Last2 dah bosan tahap karma, die g on pc rumah, layan Naruto. Mak plak dari elok2 plan nk tido, last2 mintak External Hard Disk aku, nak tgk Australia lakonan Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman(aku cinta sama die! hehe). See? Lampu tutup tp masing2 layan cite kegemaran masing2. haha. Tapi takleh salahkan sesape gak, salahkan tv kat umah la. Sakit je ati aku, leh plak rosak? chait! Mujur smlm aku dah layan One In A Million kat bilik Miza, rumet die ade tvcard uh. Cayala Tomok dpt imuniti! tak sia2 aku jadi kipas-susah-mati ko dulu2 time di alam persekolahan. hehe.
Earth Hour dah pon berjalan dan berkempen bagai nak rak di serata dunia. Masing-masing punya hujah sendiri dalam mengutarakan pendapat. Bagi aku, ini la yang paling koman kite sebagai rakyat biasa boleh lakukan sebagai salah satu cara menunjukkan yang kita prihatin terhadap kondisi bumi yang makin tua ni. Memetik kpd satu kata2:
Setiap penggunaan elektrik membebaskan Co2 (Carbon Dioxide)
Co2 memerangkap haba
Sekarang ni suhu bumi semakin meningkat
Banyak ais da cair
Aras laut semakin meningkat
Kalau biarkan, Malaysia sendiri akan tenggelam.
So? ape plak pendapat korg? pikir2kan la.
Selain suhu dan aras laut yang meningkat, ade gak mende lain yang meningkat. Kalo korang bijak, korang tau jawapannya! Aku tau aku dikelilingi insan2 yang matang dan hebat fikirannya! =)
err, btw, tajuk entri aku kali ni ditujukan khas utk Encik Bumi. Masih ada yg sayang pada mu ok :)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
One thing is always the best when there's something inspired you right?
As for me, i opt to jog whenever I'm free, not to forgot that the weather must be suitable to do so la kan.
Not to mention that some of people would say that I'm doing that for other purpose. What is it? Ask them. They seems know more than my mind would. lol. ape aku merepek ni. walhal nk cite pasal aku g jog tadi je. Paling hangin tahap karma la kan. Dah la ngn assignment yg bertangguh2 yg nak kene submit Selasa ni. Adeh. Whenever I'm not in the mood, I'll go for jog dude! It's the best way (so far) as I don't join other sports such as Taekwando yg leh sepak2 bagai nak rak tu or Silat yg sangat la stylish bagi aku. hehe. So, what to do when nothing's could be the best for you? Yeah, definitely going out for jogging.
Dan kebetulan hari ni hari Jumaat. hehehehehe (panjang sikit giggles.kih2)
Nak dijadikan cerita, time aku ngah jog uh, ni da kire the final round la coz aku dah hectic tahap maut, lagi beberapa inci je nak sampai di garisan penamat, ade mamat sesat mane g sepak bola masok ke padang, then,
terkena aku nye lutut. Cheese burger sunggoh! ko igt ko sape ha?? malu dowh. dah la aku ngh panas badan peluh tahap mot! ko panaskan ati aku plak!da la die ade kat blkg aku. waaa! cis! lalu aku wat bodow je jalan ngn macho nye. walhal dlm ati rase nk amek je bola tu lalu ku hempuk2 ke kepala beliau. geram!! grrrr~
erm last2 aku blah camtu je dr stadium. ces! mmg aku agak fobia la kan kalo ade org men bola kat pdg tu. Dlu penah hampir2 kena, tp aku pantas mengelak. Maybe sebab da jarang turun padang skg, stamina da kurg, so tak dpt bertindakbalas ngn lebih pantas utk mengelak serangan dari mana-mana pihak musuh. hehe..
papehal, majulah sukan utk negara. semoga aku bertambah rajin turun ke pdg selepas ni. yah ain! go go! hoho
As for me, i opt to jog whenever I'm free, not to forgot that the weather must be suitable to do so la kan.
Not to mention that some of people would say that I'm doing that for other purpose. What is it? Ask them. They seems know more than my mind would. lol. ape aku merepek ni. walhal nk cite pasal aku g jog tadi je. Paling hangin tahap karma la kan. Dah la ngn assignment yg bertangguh2 yg nak kene submit Selasa ni. Adeh. Whenever I'm not in the mood, I'll go for jog dude! It's the best way (so far) as I don't join other sports such as Taekwando yg leh sepak2 bagai nak rak tu or Silat yg sangat la stylish bagi aku. hehe. So, what to do when nothing's could be the best for you? Yeah, definitely going out for jogging.
Dan kebetulan hari ni hari Jumaat. hehehehehe (panjang sikit giggles.kih2)
Nak dijadikan cerita, time aku ngah jog uh, ni da kire the final round la coz aku dah hectic tahap maut, lagi beberapa inci je nak sampai di garisan penamat, ade mamat sesat mane g sepak bola masok ke padang, then,
terkena aku nye lutut. Cheese burger sunggoh! ko igt ko sape ha?? malu dowh. dah la aku ngh panas badan peluh tahap mot! ko panaskan ati aku plak!
erm last2 aku blah camtu je dr stadium. ces! mmg aku agak fobia la kan kalo ade org men bola kat pdg tu. Dlu penah hampir2 kena, tp aku pantas mengelak. Maybe sebab da jarang turun padang skg, stamina da kurg, so tak dpt bertindakbalas ngn lebih pantas utk mengelak serangan dari mana-mana pihak musuh. hehe..
papehal, majulah sukan utk negara. semoga aku bertambah rajin turun ke pdg selepas ni. yah ain! go go! hoho
English Couture Night.
College dinner is one of the most awaiting event (yeke?) once u've entered the campus life. haha. The theme for the night is English Couture. It makes me really sick just to find what attire fit the most for the night and with 'hentam kromo' nye daku memilih pakaian tersebut utk dipakai. hehe.
And as there are says that : A pictures is worth a thousand words, so let me just put all the pictures here and feel free to post ur comments then. Enjoy!
And as there are says that : A pictures is worth a thousand words, so let me just put all the pictures here and feel free to post ur comments then. Enjoy!
Malam Resepsi Gemilang Za'ba
Me. Ain Nordin. Rye.


Miza. Nad. Aku. Kak Il

Lupa Lirik? (In My Place-Coldplay)

Really like this picture! <3

My Band! ?

Yah Again!

TC Girls! :)

Rye wasn't here

Nisasha n me. Both are trying to show off both shoes. lol

Me-standing straight ready to sing the national anthem: Negaraku~

With King of The Night

Ja. Me. Yong (my roommate-thanx for the make up dear~)


Spread Loves :)

Miza. Nad. Aku. Kak Il
Lupa Lirik? (In My Place-Coldplay)
Really like this picture! <3
My Band! ?
Yah Again!
TC Girls! :)
Rye wasn't here
Nisasha n me. Both are trying to show off both shoes. lol
Me-standing straight ready to sing the national anthem: Negaraku~
With King of The Night
Ja. Me. Yong (my roommate-thanx for the make up dear~)
Spread Loves :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I wonder what keeps human happily doing the same things day by day.
as for students : they came to the class everyday (if there's classes on that day)
as for lecturers: they came to the faculty, having meetings.
makcik cleaner: they came every morning to the toilets, cleaning all the stuff, mop the floor, make sure the toilet is hygienic enough for us-students to use it.
bus driver: drive the bus here and there, the same routes everyday. sometimes if they are bored enough, they will start chit-chat with the passengers. Somehow, this remind me of those old days back when I'm a primary school students. Every morning mum will drop us (me and my siblings) to Mak Teh house at Bangi. Then after that we will patiently wait for the bus taking us to school. Just imagine how my mum wake us up every morning and drove from Sepang to Bangi just to make sure her children get optimum education at school.
my mum: wake up every morning, cooking dishes for dinner,went to the office, back from the office, assist my younger brother who will having his UPSR this year. not to forget she's doing the laundry as well as sweep the floor.
my dad: wake up every morning, settling all the bills or anything related to banks, post office etc. Buy the food or even the raw ones just to ensure his family members have balance nutrition and would not starving to death. I respect him so much as he's always there for me when I need someone especially when we(my siblings and I) fall sick.
and here is my part. me? What that I've done to show that I'm responsible towards things? Quite a lot of things I have to do by myself as I'm going to be 21 years old person this upcoming October. Sometimes I felt that, why the time fly so fast? I feel that I'm not really mature enough to face this world on my own.
And there's one thing bugging me all the time. What will I do after finishing my study here in UKM? My mum and relatives advice me to continue doing Masters after this. While for me, I don't have the confidence to further studying in IT. Know why? One of the most crucial thing in IT is programming part. All the IT students knows this feeling (for those who hates coding). And I'm one of them too. Not that I really hate it, but maybe I don't give full attention and polish my programming skills from the beginning of taking this IT course.
Back to the main point, what drives human to do the same things day by day?
And once we know the answer, we would be really grateful and proud of who we are today. Or even we will try our best to put us in the better position sooner.
I'm not even realised that my rubbish talk will extend this far. lol.
what ever it takes, just make sure that we do the best in what ever things we are doing.
cheer up people!
there's always a room for improvement.

as for students : they came to the class everyday (if there's classes on that day)
as for lecturers: they came to the faculty, having meetings.
makcik cleaner: they came every morning to the toilets, cleaning all the stuff, mop the floor, make sure the toilet is hygienic enough for us-students to use it.
bus driver: drive the bus here and there, the same routes everyday. sometimes if they are bored enough, they will start chit-chat with the passengers. Somehow, this remind me of those old days back when I'm a primary school students. Every morning mum will drop us (me and my siblings) to Mak Teh house at Bangi. Then after that we will patiently wait for the bus taking us to school. Just imagine how my mum wake us up every morning and drove from Sepang to Bangi just to make sure her children get optimum education at school.
my mum: wake up every morning, cooking dishes for dinner,went to the office, back from the office, assist my younger brother who will having his UPSR this year. not to forget she's doing the laundry as well as sweep the floor.
my dad: wake up every morning, settling all the bills or anything related to banks, post office etc. Buy the food or even the raw ones just to ensure his family members have balance nutrition and would not starving to death. I respect him so much as he's always there for me when I need someone especially when we(my siblings and I) fall sick.
and here is my part. me? What that I've done to show that I'm responsible towards things? Quite a lot of things I have to do by myself as I'm going to be 21 years old person this upcoming October. Sometimes I felt that, why the time fly so fast? I feel that I'm not really mature enough to face this world on my own.
And there's one thing bugging me all the time. What will I do after finishing my study here in UKM? My mum and relatives advice me to continue doing Masters after this. While for me, I don't have the confidence to further studying in IT. Know why? One of the most crucial thing in IT is programming part. All the IT students knows this feeling (for those who hates coding). And I'm one of them too. Not that I really hate it, but maybe I don't give full attention and polish my programming skills from the beginning of taking this IT course.
Back to the main point, what drives human to do the same things day by day?
And once we know the answer, we would be really grateful and proud of who we are today. Or even we will try our best to put us in the better position sooner.
I'm not even realised that my rubbish talk will extend this far. lol.
what ever it takes, just make sure that we do the best in what ever things we are doing.
cheer up people!
there's always a room for improvement.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
aku demam
balik dari PD berjemur terus jadi begini.
mule2 sakit mata.
tp dah g PK (Pusat Kesihatan UKM), amek ubat sume.
aku pelik asal la Dr ni bg ubat panadol n selsema walhal takde pon rase tu.
skali esok nye teros demam.
hope I'm getting better tomorrow.
balik dari PD berjemur terus jadi begini.
mule2 sakit mata.
tp dah g PK (Pusat Kesihatan UKM), amek ubat sume.
aku pelik asal la Dr ni bg ubat panadol n selsema walhal takde pon rase tu.
skali esok nye teros demam.
hope I'm getting better tomorrow.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
7 + 6 = ?
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
Tagged 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as link to their blogs
link the person who tagged you
7 facts about me:
* Full Name: Nurul Ain Bt Amir Adli (people always says that my dad's name is unique and rhythmic. do you guys think so?)
* Was born on 11th of October, 1988
* just figure out that jogging can help loosing your weight. lol
* used to have appendix. lol
* am the eldest one in my siblings. but why did people never realized it? lol (no answer needed)
* used to be a kindergarten teacher while waiting for SPM's result. God knows how hectic the job is :P
* just realized that most of my belongings are brown in colour.
6 unspectacular quirks of mine:
1. there are times that I can be addicted to wash my clothes.
2. day-dreaming. most of the times! :P
3. don't have guts to express my feelings toward somebody. lol. time will tell i guess :P
4. I'll make sure that I've wash my hands before eating. Germs is a no-no ok.
5. Fear with lizards and frogs. and always imagine that I'm in the blue ocean while having my shower. *scared*
6. Never manage to finish watching all the dramas given by my friends or my sis. Knowing the ending is more than enough right?
Tag: No one. May I?
Tag: No one. May I?
Friday, March 13, 2009
teliti gambarajah dibawah.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
hari yg so-so.
Hari ni aku agak bermula dengan cemerlang since berjaya memaksa diri menghadiri kelas Security even dalam hati Tuhan je yg tau betapa terseksanya jiwa raga aku nk bangon pagi, mandi sume tu! huh!
Dalam pada tu, on the way nk ke fac, ade bas ukm yg on de way ke atas. Aku da drive separuh jalan da, and I thought that I manage to go further. But it doesn't happened. Ngn muke selamba tongongnye pakcik driver tu wat bodow je. Oh, mentang2 la aku bwk Viva. Die pandang sebelah mate je ek. So, as a girl with full of 'ciri-ciri perempuan melayu yg sopan santun', aku pon reverse ar kereta en. Malu tu ade la sikit dlm 2.3% The rest is rasa sakit hati. Da r aku ngh rush nak gi kelas en. Hampeh nye pakcik drebar! hehe
n yah, everything goes fine today. Nothing's much to say. and I also manage to meet En Zamri which is my supervisor for final year project. Lame da tak ketemuan. Da masok bulan Mac ni wat aku cuak lantas semangat berkobar2 nk jumpa beliau da di tahap tepu dah ni. hehe.
Hah, arini berlaku sistem barter antara aku dgn cik Nisasha. Beliau membawa cupcakes manakala aku bwk muffin. hehes. pasni nk blajau wat cupcakes pulak ar.
Dan kepada cik Dila, aku ade reserve muffin utk ko tau! mane leh lupe janji sehidop semati kite tu. hahaha.
Eh, sebelum terlupa, izinkan daku mencoret sedikit kata-kata yg wa dpt hasil menonton cite Benjamin Button (credit to Intan. hehe)
Sedih sgt aku dgr ungkapan ni. huhuk. Ade lagi:
ni kata2 yg ketua kapal tu cakap kat B.B time die ngah nazak. huhu
To summarize, bagi aku cite ni mmg tip-top. Genius ar sape mengarah ni. Lain dari biase cerita nya. Even agak perlahan storyline nye, tapi aku puas menonton. (nak2 ade Brad Pitt weh. aku suke tgk time die muda. kyaaaa~ ^.^)
The end.
Dalam pada tu, on the way nk ke fac, ade bas ukm yg on de way ke atas. Aku da drive separuh jalan da, and I thought that I manage to go further. But it doesn't happened. Ngn muke selamba tongongnye pakcik driver tu wat bodow je. Oh, mentang2 la aku bwk Viva. Die pandang sebelah mate je ek. So, as a girl with full of 'ciri-ciri perempuan melayu yg sopan santun', aku pon reverse ar kereta en. Malu tu ade la sikit dlm 2.3% The rest is rasa sakit hati. Da r aku ngh rush nak gi kelas en. Hampeh nye pakcik drebar! hehe
n yah, everything goes fine today. Nothing's much to say. and I also manage to meet En Zamri which is my supervisor for final year project. Lame da tak ketemuan. Da masok bulan Mac ni wat aku cuak lantas semangat berkobar2 nk jumpa beliau da di tahap tepu dah ni. hehe.
Hah, arini berlaku sistem barter antara aku dgn cik Nisasha. Beliau membawa cupcakes manakala aku bwk muffin. hehes. pasni nk blajau wat cupcakes pulak ar.
Dan kepada cik Dila, aku ade reserve muffin utk ko tau! mane leh lupe janji sehidop semati kite tu. hahaha.
Eh, sebelum terlupa, izinkan daku mencoret sedikit kata-kata yg wa dpt hasil menonton cite Benjamin Button (credit to Intan. hehe)
"We are meant to loose the one who we love"
Sedih sgt aku dgr ungkapan ni. huhuk. Ade lagi:
"You could be mad as the mad dog
at the way the things went
You could swear,
Curse the fates,
but when it comes to the end
You have to let go"
at the way the things went
You could swear,
Curse the fates,
but when it comes to the end
You have to let go"
ni kata2 yg ketua kapal tu cakap kat B.B time die ngah nazak. huhu
To summarize, bagi aku cite ni mmg tip-top. Genius ar sape mengarah ni. Lain dari biase cerita nya. Even agak perlahan storyline nye, tapi aku puas menonton. (nak2 ade Brad Pitt weh. aku suke tgk time die muda. kyaaaa~ ^.^)
The end.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
new layout!
finally, ketemuan jua daku ngn ilham layout yg baru ni.
thanx so much to pakcik google!
memang best bile da jumpe ngn something yg mmg dicari2 selama ini (ececey cam ape je)
aku rase lapang sikit dada ha sejak jumpe layout ni.
nak2 time jiwe ngh kacau ni.
bahye ouh aku paling takut ngn diri sendiri utk moment2 seperti ini.
mesti ade mangsa terdekat utk kulepaskan segala kekusutan dalam palotak ni.
n I found it.
n I already release it.
n tadaaaa!!!
any constructive comments on my new layout adalah sangat dialu2kan.
hehes :)
thanx so much to pakcik google!
memang best bile da jumpe ngn something yg mmg dicari2 selama ini (ececey cam ape je)
aku rase lapang sikit dada ha sejak jumpe layout ni.
nak2 time jiwe ngh kacau ni.
bahye ouh aku paling takut ngn diri sendiri utk moment2 seperti ini.
mesti ade mangsa terdekat utk kulepaskan segala kekusutan dalam palotak ni.
n I found it.
n I already release it.
n tadaaaa!!!
any constructive comments on my new layout adalah sangat dialu2kan.
hehes :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
mcm2 tag da aku wat skrg.
mula2 excited gak.
tapi, biasela kan manusia mmg tak boleh lama sgt ngn sesuatu tu.
mmg nakkan kelainan.
dan lately byk pulak assignment yg tergendala yg harus dilunaskan sebelum tarikh tutup penyertaan. huhu.
tadi baru setel satu mende even byk gak spelling mistakes! (dila mmg nk kene! huhu :p
dan aku sgt merindui my family members especially my dad! waaaa~
(pengaruh homesick dari Nisasha, Dila dan Ain Nordin)
dan jua kesedihan akibat peristiwa yg 'itu-itu' membuatkan ku semakin khusyuk menghabiskan segala tugasan yg diberikan. (apekah 'itu-itu' itu? haaha)
dan terima kasih tak terhingga kepada roommate ku , Yong atas kefahaman beliau tentang diri ini. haha. (tumpang tempat Yong! hehe)
mula2 excited gak.
tapi, biasela kan manusia mmg tak boleh lama sgt ngn sesuatu tu.
mmg nakkan kelainan.
dan lately byk pulak assignment yg tergendala yg harus dilunaskan sebelum tarikh tutup penyertaan. huhu.
tadi baru setel satu mende even byk gak spelling mistakes! (dila mmg nk kene! huhu :p
dan aku sgt merindui my family members especially my dad! waaaa~
(pengaruh homesick dari Nisasha, Dila dan Ain Nordin)
dan jua kesedihan akibat peristiwa yg 'itu-itu' membuatkan ku semakin khusyuk menghabiskan segala tugasan yg diberikan. (apekah 'itu-itu' itu? haaha)
dan terima kasih tak terhingga kepada roommate ku , Yong atas kefahaman beliau tentang diri ini. haha. (tumpang tempat Yong! hehe)
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