Saturday, March 14, 2009

7 + 6 = ?

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
Tagged 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as link to their blogs
link the person who tagged you

7 facts about me:

* Full Name: Nurul Ain Bt Amir Adli (people always says that my dad's name is unique and rhythmic. do you guys think so?)

* Was born on 11th of October, 1988

* just figure out that jogging can help loosing your weight. lol

* used to have appendix. lol

* am the eldest one in my siblings. but why did people never realized it? lol (no answer needed)

* used to be a kindergarten teacher while waiting for SPM's result. God knows how hectic the job is :P

* just realized that most of my belongings are brown in colour.

6 unspectacular quirks of mine:

1. there are times that I can be addicted to wash my clothes.

2. day-dreaming. most of the times! :P

3. don't have guts to express my feelings toward somebody. lol. time will tell i guess :P

4. I'll make sure that I've wash my hands before eating. Germs is a no-no ok.

5. Fear with lizards and frogs. and always imagine that I'm in the blue ocean while having my shower. *scared*

6. Never manage to finish watching all the dramas given by my friends or my sis. Knowing the ending is more than enough right?

Tag: No one. May I?


nisa ~ shasha said...

apsl aq xpnh nmpk ko cuci tgn lps makan? tipu ni! hahaha

Ain bintu Amir said...

kan aku kate aku cuci tgn before makan?? haiyaa read it again ok. ngahaha :D
kalo takat kat kafe pakai sudu garpu takyah le baso wahai cik nisa oit. hehe :P


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