Dah abes tugas sebagai seorang pelajar (or mungkin ade possibility yg aku akan smbung Masters tapi later punye cite ar),
dan sekarang ni aku ade mende lain nk dikejar dalam hidup lak which means mencari pekerjaan yang seswai or yg bagus utk aku further la kan. Going for interview? Adela beberapa tapi actually aku tak puas lagi kena interview. Feels like being interviewed is the greatest moment ever where you can sell yourself and pretending as much as you could to wins that certain position. Menarik bagi aku. Leh gak upgrade confidence level and self-esteem rite?
Ok, i already got a job offer at Pernec, located at Keramat. Memang dekat ngn tempat2 makan n Jaya Jusco aka JJ. haha. dah2, tu bukan tujuan aku menaip ha. Actually nak share how hard is it to find home la kat cni. Nak cari rumah sewa. Ok, dah try g tgk satu tadi, thanx to my mum n her friends :) Tapi cam tak bape bekenan. Sounds fussy? See the environment / home condition first then you can judge me for rejecting that house (for the moment. hee) So, google but still not found the one that match what I want. Then I ask Mohfir if he knew any house to rent there coz his house located there. and tadaaaaa~ mudah.com.my haiyaaa how could I don't even think on searching here. Thanx Mohfir! Really appreciate for ur help :) So, tomorrow gotta go there, meet the person and trying my best to negotiate for the price.
See? Belom dapat salary lagi da kena minus something from it. Tak campor lagi hal belanja makan minum sume. Paham2 la dah dok KL ni, mau makan megi je aku nnti. haha. Hopefully the house and the room is ok! and hopefully I can adapt well with the work environment pulak. Freshie mmg sgt cuak ok!
Nak beli baju bajan? Oh just hold on. Tgu settle 6 months probation ni baru aku leh bernapas dgn amannya. Kira skg ni berstatus bernafas dalam air bak lagu dendangan Luna la ni. Ait ait, Yuna dowh. Luna tu kucing dalam cite Sailormoon. hehes ;p
but still, my mama ask me to search for a job at others company. Ok mak, my resume already being updated and ready to be mail to all companies existed in Malaysia. hehe. hiperbola sikit.
So guys, for those yang still blaja lagi tu, teroskan belajar ok. Maintain pointer tiptop so that dah kuar ade la something that we can be proud of especially towards our mama and papa. For those yang baru tamat sesi pengajian, mari kite beramai2 mencari pekerjaan. Apply je sume company. Yang penting semangat nak mencuba. Haa aku da mule berlagak cam motivator nampaknye. hehe. K, cau.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Final day at UKM.
Sekarang aku dah kat umah. Meninggalkan UKM ngn ati yang berat. Cam batu letak kat dada ko. Ape rase? (Tah, aku taknah wat pon senarnye). dan malam terakhir kat UKM, aku , kak Il, Amy, Ita dan Azie telah beramai-ramai lepak kat Ameer Ali. Bosan da kat Zaba, so beralih ar kitorang g mapley lak. Seriously sepanjang aku dok kat UKM ni, just 2 kali je aku melepak mapley seksyen 15 ni. Lain2 just makan kat Zaba or kedai makan area Bangi ni. hee. dan sebelum tu ku menerima satu mesej yang sayu. Sangat sayu yang boleh membuatkan aku melelehkan air mata out of nowhere. Nasib baik aku mmg ngah rushing nk kuar g makan time tu. Kalo alone in the night mmg aku da mencurah2 da meleleh. Ok, stop la ni. Aku cite lain plak. Yang pasti, mesej tu pasal pengalaman belajar dgn member2 yang tak mungkin aku dapat pasni. Aish *sob sob*
Pehtu, kitorang melepak g Putrajaya plak. G masjid dulu, tunaikan Solat Isyak. Tak pepasal kena pakai jubah tu sebab kitorg sume nye pakai seluar jeans en. Ade insiden kelakar. Nak tau? Tanye Ita, Amy and Azie coz dorang la watak utama insiden tersebut. haha
Pastu g melepak kat jambatan. Too many things yang kitorang borak malam tu. Pas satu topik, g melompat kat topik lain plak. hehe. dan tak dilupakan gak sesi mengambik gambar for dat nite. Kitorang terpaksa stop coz encik2 polis sudah warning soh kosongkan jambatan. aish kacow daon tol!
Esoknya, pegi Sg. Congkak plak! haha. gile aktif kitorang. Idea aku la ni. Saje pancing2 dak ni jalan2 wat kali terakhir. Nak pegi, tapi jalan taktau. So aku pon tanye la ayah. Ayah just bagitau skit2 je. huk. Pastu tanye la informer lain plak. hee. Sian kak Il terpaksa tidur a lil' bit late menunggu aku memaham dan menghapal direction ke Sg Congkak tersebut. hee. Thanx dear ;p
Woah! memang aku jumpe sume landmark yang dinyatakan oleh my guide. Tenkiu2! I'll definitely will ask ya for any other place yang aku nak g pasni. haha. Tapi ade gak kitorang terlajak. Sampai Lubuk Kelubi dah. Nasib baik ringan mulut tanye orang kat tepi tu. Kalo terlebih mau masok kawasan perkampungan orang asli weh. hik. Ape lagi, dah sampai Sg Congkak, teros setting tempat lepak utk Azie (hee) and aku, Emy, Ita, Miza carik tempat baik punya nk berendam. Aku ni kalo ikotkan nak mandi tempat dalam2. Tapi disebabkan faktor orang tak ramai n kitorang ni sumenya pompuan, so kitorg pon pilih la tempat yang cetek2 je. Mandi, amek gamba, wat ketupat dalam air a.k.a borak2. hehe. menikmati alam ciptaan Allah diiringi deruan air sungai yang mengalir deras, suara unggas bersahut-sahutan dan tak lupe gak orang ngah mengetuk2 kayu, ngah wat jambatan. haha. Best!
On the way balik, dak ni which included Azie, Amy n Ita bukan main sodap lagi membuto kat belakang..! ee jeles! nasib baik la kak Miza ni ade nemankan aku ngah drive. haha. But the day was awesome! Really i mean it! Pasni leh ar g Air Tejun Gabai plak ke dah tau jalan ni kan. hee
dan setelah pulang ke Zaba, mengemas2 barang utk pulang ke rumah plak. Babai Zaba. Am gonna miss all the sweet sour memories here. Dari first year till the final year (3rd year) aku jadi warga sejati kolej ni weh excluding time LI dulu where aku dok kat umah je. Babai UKM, babai FTSM, babai stadium..... huk! ;(
esok nya, bangon kol 1. ha! amek ko. Pastu bergegas2 mandi, basoh baju (aku kumpul baju dari Zaba ha. hahaha). Sebab ape aku rushing weh? Sebab nak g Putrajaya pasni. Nak setelkan hal scholarship aku. Kena anta surat tamat pengajian dll. Baru la terhegeh2 nak wat. hee.. Minggu depan tak sempat dowh. Oh, lantas memasang punat 'hidup' (switch on the radio la. haha). Pelik. Asal dok pasang lagu Micheal Jackson ni? Tup2, ade berita mengatakan bahawa beliau telah meninggal dunia awal pagi tadi. Ooooooooo~ jadi mende ni la yang watkan mak, adek n ayah tengok tv pagi tadi. Aku? Malam tadi tertido depan tv (kes malas nk melangkah masok bilik). Teros aku masok bilik pagi tadi coz orang lain ngah sebok rushing nak g keje and sekolah en. Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat-Nya.
dah, malam ni aku online je la. Layan facebook ar cambiase. Youtube pon. Ley plak layan lagu The Scientist, Talk from Coldplay. Lagu M. Jackson, lagu 21 Guns from Greenday. Ha, sume aku sebat. Ade satu ni pasal iklan. Klik ar. Best2! kat London. Bout murder. [KLIK SINI]
p/s: sorry picture were not arranged accordingly. Malas. haha. Ikutkan memula:
a) Basoh kete.
b) Putrajaya (jambatan)
c) Sg. Congkak
d) Bilik aku kt Zaba.
K adios.
b) Putrajaya (jambatan)
c) Sg. Congkak
d) Bilik aku kt Zaba.
K adios.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
*Bangon pagi* celik mata.
Gumam ku dalam hati.
La, malam tadi tidur tak tutup lampu rupenye. Patot ar terang semacam. - Sambil mengingat balik camane leh tertidur tak sedar diri nih.
Ah, tido balik ar.
*phone ringing*
sape lak ni. Kacow tol ar!
Along, camne nk tukar tulisan Arab ni jadi English?
Arghh!! Kacow waktu keemasan aku nak membute betol ar dak kecik ni.
Ok, klik cni.. bla bla bla bla.
Adek: Ok, siap, ko ni menyusahkan org kat rumah je la.
Ade ke patot adik ckap kat Along camtu pas aku tolong die betolkan mende tu? Sengal! OK2, aku mengaku aku la yg g setup tambah lagi satu language lain iaitu Arabic kat comp rumah. Tapi tu untuk siapkan kerja thesis aku dulu la. (Sistem Semakan Ejaan Jawi) . tak sangka lak mende tu mengganggu kehidupan seisi keluarga ku di rumah. haha
Dah tu, takley tido da. Online tros smbil jari jemari tangkas menaip mesej.
12 pm!! Yah!! mase ditunggu2 nak g kafe, lapa gile bab ni!!! (sah2 la aku da mandi kan)
Sesampai je kat kafe, teros amek nasi, lauk sume. Lalu ke kaunter untuk membayar. Cambiase la dok ready ngn duit di tangan. Tibe2 aku dgr akak tu kate ni:
Lapan dik.
WHAT???? (aku terkejut gile bab dalam ati)
Eh kak, bape tadi?
Empat lapan dik.
Puh, lega aku. mau tak terkejut , takkan lauk cincai2 ni smpai lapan hengget kot? Tinge aku ni pon sengal. hoho. Aritu pon ade someone call , tnye pasal job offer kat Pernec yg aku dpt tu. Aku tak bape dgr:
Aku : Ape? Convocation? ??? Konvo bulan lapan nanti.
Position la...
hahahahhaha.. malu cam haremmmm~~ bajet ade 'syen2' kat belakang tu, tu pasal aku assume CONVOCATION. salah rupenye.. kui3
DUh, asal terang sangat ni?
Gumam ku dalam hati.
La, malam tadi tidur tak tutup lampu rupenye. Patot ar terang semacam. - Sambil mengingat balik camane leh tertidur tak sedar diri nih.
Ah, tido balik ar.
*phone ringing*
sape lak ni. Kacow tol ar!
Along, camne nk tukar tulisan Arab ni jadi English?
Arghh!! Kacow waktu keemasan aku nak membute betol ar dak kecik ni.
Ok, klik cni.. bla bla bla bla.
Adek: Ok, siap, ko ni menyusahkan org kat rumah je la.
Ade ke patot adik ckap kat Along camtu pas aku tolong die betolkan mende tu? Sengal! OK2, aku mengaku aku la yg g setup tambah lagi satu language lain iaitu Arabic kat comp rumah. Tapi tu untuk siapkan kerja thesis aku dulu la. (Sistem Semakan Ejaan Jawi) . tak sangka lak mende tu mengganggu kehidupan seisi keluarga ku di rumah. haha
Dah tu, takley tido da. Online tros smbil jari jemari tangkas menaip mesej.
12 pm!! Yah!! mase ditunggu2 nak g kafe, lapa gile bab ni!!! (sah2 la aku da mandi kan)
Sesampai je kat kafe, teros amek nasi, lauk sume. Lalu ke kaunter untuk membayar. Cambiase la dok ready ngn duit di tangan. Tibe2 aku dgr akak tu kate ni:
Lapan dik.
WHAT???? (aku terkejut gile bab dalam ati)
Eh kak, bape tadi?
Empat lapan dik.
Puh, lega aku. mau tak terkejut , takkan lauk cincai2 ni smpai lapan hengget kot? Tinge aku ni pon sengal. hoho. Aritu pon ade someone call , tnye pasal job offer kat Pernec yg aku dpt tu. Aku tak bape dgr:
Aku : Ape? Convocation? ??? Konvo bulan lapan nanti.
Position la...
hahahahhaha.. malu cam haremmmm~~ bajet ade 'syen2' kat belakang tu, tu pasal aku assume CONVOCATION. salah rupenye.. kui3
Saturday, June 20, 2009
feels darn good ;)
I got that pants! Really. Lurve it !!!!! muack! ;)
Thanx Ain... seriously!!! You save my siang! hehe. bcoz de nite there's somebody else took ur place. hehe ;)
feels damn good..
Thanx Ain... seriously!!! You save my siang! hehe. bcoz de nite there's somebody else took ur place. hehe ;)
feels damn good..
Friday, June 19, 2009
aku dipaksa.. haha
10 ciri LELAKI/wanita yang layak menjadi isteri/ SUAMI anda:
1) Tak meninggalkan kewajipan sebagai seorang Muslim
2) Hormat ibu bapa sendiri as well as mentua nya.
3) Matang.
4) Stabil ekonominya.
5) Tau tanggungjawab sebagai seorang suami and bakal bapa. ahaks
6) Mestilah ade hati kat aku. adeh
7) Pendengar setia. sebab aku kuat membebel n mengomel on something.
8) Have sense of humor.
9) Fit. hee
10) Minat bola.. (tatau ni perlu ke tak. haha)
10 orang yang aku nak tag :
I dare u guys to do this! haha
p/s: haha. wat ni saje je sebab kene pakse ngn cik Ekin.. am not dat fussy, coz in my humble opinion, am also not that kind of perfects in everything I do. Just try my best to be the best in my life! bout soulmate? ehem2.. *cough* ;)
1) Tak meninggalkan kewajipan sebagai seorang Muslim
2) Hormat ibu bapa sendiri as well as mentua nya.
3) Matang.
4) Stabil ekonominya.
5) Tau tanggungjawab sebagai seorang suami and bakal bapa. ahaks
6) Mestilah ade hati kat aku. adeh
7) Pendengar setia. sebab aku kuat membebel n mengomel on something.
8) Have sense of humor.
9) Fit. hee
10) Minat bola.. (tatau ni perlu ke tak. haha)
10 orang yang aku nak tag :
I dare u guys to do this! haha
p/s: haha. wat ni saje je sebab kene pakse ngn cik Ekin.. am not dat fussy, coz in my humble opinion, am also not that kind of perfects in everything I do. Just try my best to be the best in my life! bout soulmate? ehem2.. *cough* ;)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
it's already 4.45pm. and the class is almost finish.
I'll punch whoever saying no. haha
Me, beginning to shut down the computer that's currently used. But suddenly.
What? But just now he's already said that the class is dismiss. Ok, I'm gonna wait what's the magic is..
hahahahahhahahahahahahahahha. seriously so funny dude! That's my IBM DB2 tutor, Mr Agus. I really respect the way he teach us. Really enjoy (even sometimes feels doom whenever the points of our team has to be deducted as the reason of giving the wrong answer for the quiz).
And the examination day is just around the corner which is on the next Wednesday, June 24. Hope that I manage to answer it correctly and passed the exam. Goodluck all!
Ok class. Do you want to back home now?
I'll punch whoever saying no. haha
Ok, we can end our class now. See you tomorrow.
Me, beginning to shut down the computer that's currently used. But suddenly.
Ok guys, I wanna show you magics!
What? But just now he's already said that the class is dismiss. Ok, I'm gonna wait what's the magic is..
Ok, firstly, you have to click at the START button.
Then click at TURN OFF COMPUTER.
That's the magic thing I wanna share with you today.
Then click at TURN OFF COMPUTER.
That's the magic thing I wanna share with you today.
*silent for a moment*
hahahahahhahahahahahahahahha. seriously so funny dude! That's my IBM DB2 tutor, Mr Agus. I really respect the way he teach us. Really enjoy (even sometimes feels doom whenever the points of our team has to be deducted as the reason of giving the wrong answer for the quiz).
And the examination day is just around the corner which is on the next Wednesday, June 24. Hope that I manage to answer it correctly and passed the exam. Goodluck all!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thanx Allah for giving me chances to breathe and live with my lovely family and friends.
All I wanna do now is smile from the east to the west of the earth. lol. But then, 1 thing hindered it. what???? I'd left my adapter there??! OMG! grrrr~ careless to the max! hnssgffff~~
omg, I got another story to share la. haha. Bout my lil bro -Apiz. Just now I saw him walking to the front door. n smiling at me as if nothing happen. Then he 'selak' the curtains and walking back to the room. lol. seems like nothing weird right? But there's something weird, where he's actually already sleeping in the room before this - maybe bout an hour before. lol. such a dreamwalker. so funny! hehe :P (belom campor lagi kalo die mengigau. haha)
Thanx Allah for giving me chances to breathe and live with my lovely family and friends.
All I wanna do now is smile from the east to the west of the earth. lol. But then, 1 thing hindered it. what???? I'd left my adapter there??! OMG! grrrr~ careless to the max! hnssgffff~~
omg, I got another story to share la. haha. Bout my lil bro -Apiz. Just now I saw him walking to the front door. n smiling at me as if nothing happen. Then he 'selak' the curtains and walking back to the room. lol. seems like nothing weird right? But there's something weird, where he's actually already sleeping in the room before this - maybe bout an hour before. lol. such a dreamwalker. so funny! hehe :P (belom campor lagi kalo die mengigau. haha)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Yesterday got Soft-Skill Class from 9am to 5pm. Interesting? Hell no. Why do I say so? Coz the 'pengisian' was not like what I'd expected. On the booklet says that there will be a Resume Writing, How to Handle Job Interview etc. But the real class was just only the Profiling Personality where in the end of the slot, we will know which group we are. For me, I am in group Steadiness. Ok, it was fun but I don't think that the instructor has to spend much time on this slot - where I can easily do it at, let say Facebook. And also there's a brainstorm activity where we have to give the best solution to handle the study case given - in a group. One thing that inspired me to follow this program til the end is the students' spirits. Lol, they were so funny. Not to forgot that it is a best platform to enhance my communication skill among peoples and speak in front of others.
and today, went to teman Angah buying her goods. Later on, after arrived at UKM, I was so tired. No word can describe how sleepy, fatigue I am. Even my roommate ask me if I'm not feeling well. Thanks babe, I'm ok. Just need a break to let myself relax for a moment. and thanks also to Ain N for buying me tapau. hee. so tired dude, don't have enough energy, even walk to the cafe.
Last but not least, I hope that tomorrow is better than the previous day la kan. There will be something big tomorrow. hee. I want to prepare the slide and what I'm gonna present tomorrow. Hope that everything's goes well.
Duh, I forgot something. Here's a catch for today. This incident happens right after I arrived here at ukm, while taking all my belongings from my car to the room. There were a couple, talking to each other- yah, that's normal. Then they head on their own way, but just after a couple of minutes, the girl call her bf, asking something;
Then the bf reply la - I can't get what they talk about as I'm busy thinking on how to bring all my belongings upstairs. So, what's the point here? Yah, you are in the same boat as mine if you begins to feel 'geli2' to them. It's up to them la wanna say anything bcoz that's definitely not my business. But please don't let others hear can ah? and one more thing, please pronounce the Malay word correctly la. Geli dengar ok. Better speak fully in English coz I realized that both the couple have a good English slang - but opt to speak bahasa, geli tau dengar. This incident really remind me of the 5 Jingga (or 8 Jingga? - forgot) sitcom. The overall story was ok, but the way they talk in Malay just makes me feels more and more annoyed with them. Better the director stick on English as the cast - which based on my observation - were really good in pronouncing English.
So, moral of the story? Cintailah Bahasa ibunda kita - Bahasa Melayu. But still, we have to enhance our English as it is the lingua franca right.
Yesterday got Soft-Skill Class from 9am to 5pm. Interesting? Hell no. Why do I say so? Coz the 'pengisian' was not like what I'd expected. On the booklet says that there will be a Resume Writing, How to Handle Job Interview etc. But the real class was just only the Profiling Personality where in the end of the slot, we will know which group we are. For me, I am in group Steadiness. Ok, it was fun but I don't think that the instructor has to spend much time on this slot - where I can easily do it at, let say Facebook. And also there's a brainstorm activity where we have to give the best solution to handle the study case given - in a group. One thing that inspired me to follow this program til the end is the students' spirits. Lol, they were so funny. Not to forgot that it is a best platform to enhance my communication skill among peoples and speak in front of others.
and today, went to teman Angah buying her goods. Later on, after arrived at UKM, I was so tired. No word can describe how sleepy, fatigue I am. Even my roommate ask me if I'm not feeling well. Thanks babe, I'm ok. Just need a break to let myself relax for a moment. and thanks also to Ain N for buying me tapau. hee. so tired dude, don't have enough energy, even walk to the cafe.
Last but not least, I hope that tomorrow is better than the previous day la kan. There will be something big tomorrow. hee. I want to prepare the slide and what I'm gonna present tomorrow. Hope that everything's goes well.
Duh, I forgot something. Here's a catch for today. This incident happens right after I arrived here at ukm, while taking all my belongings from my car to the room. There were a couple, talking to each other- yah, that's normal. Then they head on their own way, but just after a couple of minutes, the girl call her bf, asking something;
Sayang, you ade sudu tak? bla3
Then the bf reply la - I can't get what they talk about as I'm busy thinking on how to bring all my belongings upstairs. So, what's the point here? Yah, you are in the same boat as mine if you begins to feel 'geli2' to them. It's up to them la wanna say anything bcoz that's definitely not my business. But please don't let others hear can ah? and one more thing, please pronounce the Malay word correctly la. Geli dengar ok. Better speak fully in English coz I realized that both the couple have a good English slang - but opt to speak bahasa, geli tau dengar. This incident really remind me of the 5 Jingga (or 8 Jingga? - forgot) sitcom. The overall story was ok, but the way they talk in Malay just makes me feels more and more annoyed with them. Better the director stick on English as the cast - which based on my observation - were really good in pronouncing English.
So, moral of the story? Cintailah Bahasa ibunda kita - Bahasa Melayu. But still, we have to enhance our English as it is the lingua franca right.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Should be happy today as I got a good news early in the morning. But I don't know why the feelings just brushed off like the wind. Just to share with you guys, am currently attending the IBM DB2 Class starting from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. In the evening, whenever I felt like jogging, I'll definitely head my way to the UKM Stadium. Joining others who really cares bout their health - lol, no hard feelings kay. During the night, went to the cafe, having dinner. And yes, that's my routine day to day till 24th June, the day the IBM DB2 exam will be held. Deep down in my heart, I felt plain nothing towards it - neither nervous nor prepared. I just don't know what I'm currently felt.
Or is this how it feels when you want to leave a place where you have spent most of your times here. Or is this how the feels of changing the phase of life. Which is in my context , from the studying phase to the work life phase. Duh, it's gonna be very painful. Being a parted from the friends you already knew for quite a long time. Somehow, this situation reminds me of the idiom ; You never truly appreciate something until it's gone. Too many, too many great things I've learn here. Friends, life and so on.
After this, what am I going to do? Having a job or taking Masters? Most of the people around me said that I should further doing Masters as I'm still young - 21 year old on Oct 2009. Still single which implying not married nor engaged lagi la. Looking for a job? It's not as easy as ABC la for sure. I have to attend the interviews, competing with others for the position. Life is not as easy as we plan for sure. But having some plans will ultimately helps us to lead our life. Or is it I'm the one who think too much? There's someone who always said that I think too much. And it always being followed by a long argument between us. Is it wrong with that attitude? Or do I have to take any action with just a blink-of-eyes thought? Duh. Or I'm the one who's lack on prioritising things?
Shocked, I've already put down 3 paragraphs of my silly, damn bored thought. Sorry to say if this entry is quite bored. But it just appear that I just wanna spill it out here.
In the end, what to do? ok, keep on moving and trying. One song keep lingering in my mind regarding on this matter ; The Climb by Miley Cyrus. Such a lovely lyrics yet boosting the inner side of me. Have a nice weekend guys! ;)
My mind just went blank right now. Can't think no more to write down here..
Or is this how it feels when you want to leave a place where you have spent most of your times here. Or is this how the feels of changing the phase of life. Which is in my context , from the studying phase to the work life phase. Duh, it's gonna be very painful. Being a parted from the friends you already knew for quite a long time. Somehow, this situation reminds me of the idiom ; You never truly appreciate something until it's gone. Too many, too many great things I've learn here. Friends, life and so on.
After this, what am I going to do? Having a job or taking Masters? Most of the people around me said that I should further doing Masters as I'm still young - 21 year old on Oct 2009. Still single which implying not married nor engaged lagi la. Looking for a job? It's not as easy as ABC la for sure. I have to attend the interviews, competing with others for the position. Life is not as easy as we plan for sure. But having some plans will ultimately helps us to lead our life. Or is it I'm the one who think too much? There's someone who always said that I think too much. And it always being followed by a long argument between us. Is it wrong with that attitude? Or do I have to take any action with just a blink-of-eyes thought? Duh. Or I'm the one who's lack on prioritising things?
Shocked, I've already put down 3 paragraphs of my silly, damn bored thought. Sorry to say if this entry is quite bored. But it just appear that I just wanna spill it out here.
In the end, what to do? ok, keep on moving and trying. One song keep lingering in my mind regarding on this matter ; The Climb by Miley Cyrus. Such a lovely lyrics yet boosting the inner side of me. Have a nice weekend guys! ;)
My mind just went blank right now. Can't think no more to write down here..
Thursday, June 11, 2009
a short entry.
oh aku sangat gatal mahu update blog malam ni.
dan mahu menaruk gamba ini.
ketika melawat ibu Umi kat HUKM time kenduri Farahliyana tempohari. [KLIK SINI] Almaklumlah baru dapat gambar ni. So that boleh la ditatap. haha
dan mahu menaruk gamba ini.
ketika melawat ibu Umi kat HUKM time kenduri Farahliyana tempohari. [KLIK SINI] Almaklumlah baru dapat gambar ni. So that boleh la ditatap. haha
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
again and again.
Rules and regulation of the tag ;
All 10 people must do unless they don't have a blog. Write the names of 10 friends you can think of in your head. And then answer the questions. Say you're guessing if you don't know, but at least guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your unlucky friends to do the same.
1. Ain Nordin.
2. Dila
3. Nard
4. Miza
5. Kak Yana
6. Dato'
7. Nor Alwani
8. Angah
9. Ateem
10. ?
1. How do you meet 7?
My roommate kat Matriks N9 dulu :)
2. What would you do if you and 5 had never met?
Then ku takkan mengenalinya la. Soklan ape ni? lol
4. Have you seen 7 cried?
yep :P
6. Do you think 1 is attractive?
Say's who? hahaha.
7. What's 2 favourite colour?
green, purple, brown
8. When was the last time you talked to 9?
Missing you Ateem. huk :P
9. What language does 8 speak?
bahasa Bigfoot. haha
10. Who is 3 going out with?
with somebody to Ganu. ehem2. hee
12. Where does 8 live?
Sepang. haha
13. What is the best thing about 4?
keselamberannya. haha
14. What would you like to tell 10 right now ?
15. What is the best thing about 2?
she's really good on how to mix around with people in a couple of minutes ;)
16. Have you ever kiss 2?
lol. needless :P
17. What is the best memory you have of 5?
bowling together :)
18. When's the next time you're going to see 4?
ntah. Miza sombong! haha
19. How is 7 different from 6?
lol . I don't know
20. Is 2 pretty?
yeah but I'm prettier. haha
21. What was your 1st impression of 5?
22. How did you meet 3?
First year dulu. Minggu 3M. Hee
23. Who's 5?
One of my classmate - tc in memory. huk
24. Do you hate 2?
Will I put 2 here if I hate her? lol
25. Have you seen 8 in the last month?
yah. my adek
26. When was the last time you saw 6?
lol. blog connecting us
27. Have you been to 5's house?
28. When's the next time you'll see 10?
I don't know.
29. Are you close to 1?
30. Have you been to the movies with 4?
tak penah kot?
31. Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
she's my darling. always. haha
32. Would you give 9 a hug?
no probs :P
33. When have you lied to 3?
urm.. let me think ;P
34. Is 1 good at socializing?
urm.. urm.. haha
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9?
fren since form4. Lepas terpisah makin rapat. lol
38. Has 2 met your parents?
my mum
39. How did you meet 1?
UKM :)
40. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
41. Do you live close to 7?
nope. me Sepang. she's at USJ
42. What is 8's favourite food?
nasi gorg pataya?
44. Have you traveled anywhere with 9?
yah. time square duluh.
45. If you give 4 a $100, What would she / he spend it on?
barang2 mekap la kan. haha
i tagged:
whoever wanna answer those questions.
1 damn important warning!!:
this question is really tiresome as I have to scroll up to look who's the person with the number.
lol :P
All 10 people must do unless they don't have a blog. Write the names of 10 friends you can think of in your head. And then answer the questions. Say you're guessing if you don't know, but at least guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your unlucky friends to do the same.
1. Ain Nordin.
2. Dila
3. Nard
4. Miza
5. Kak Yana
6. Dato'
7. Nor Alwani
8. Angah
9. Ateem
10. ?
1. How do you meet 7?
My roommate kat Matriks N9 dulu :)
2. What would you do if you and 5 had never met?
Then ku takkan mengenalinya la. Soklan ape ni? lol
4. Have you seen 7 cried?
yep :P
6. Do you think 1 is attractive?
Say's who? hahaha.
7. What's 2 favourite colour?
green, purple, brown
8. When was the last time you talked to 9?
Missing you Ateem. huk :P
9. What language does 8 speak?
bahasa Bigfoot. haha
10. Who is 3 going out with?
with somebody to Ganu. ehem2. hee
12. Where does 8 live?
Sepang. haha
13. What is the best thing about 4?
keselamberannya. haha
14. What would you like to tell 10 right now ?
15. What is the best thing about 2?
she's really good on how to mix around with people in a couple of minutes ;)
16. Have you ever kiss 2?
lol. needless :P
17. What is the best memory you have of 5?
bowling together :)
18. When's the next time you're going to see 4?
ntah. Miza sombong! haha
19. How is 7 different from 6?
lol . I don't know
20. Is 2 pretty?
yeah but I'm prettier. haha
21. What was your 1st impression of 5?
22. How did you meet 3?
First year dulu. Minggu 3M. Hee
23. Who's 5?
One of my classmate - tc in memory. huk
24. Do you hate 2?
Will I put 2 here if I hate her? lol
25. Have you seen 8 in the last month?
yah. my adek
26. When was the last time you saw 6?
lol. blog connecting us
27. Have you been to 5's house?
28. When's the next time you'll see 10?
I don't know.
29. Are you close to 1?
30. Have you been to the movies with 4?
tak penah kot?
31. Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
she's my darling. always. haha
32. Would you give 9 a hug?
no probs :P
33. When have you lied to 3?
urm.. let me think ;P
34. Is 1 good at socializing?
urm.. urm.. haha
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9?
fren since form4. Lepas terpisah makin rapat. lol
38. Has 2 met your parents?
my mum
39. How did you meet 1?
UKM :)
40. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
41. Do you live close to 7?
nope. me Sepang. she's at USJ
42. What is 8's favourite food?
nasi gorg pataya?
44. Have you traveled anywhere with 9?
yah. time square duluh.
45. If you give 4 a $100, What would she / he spend it on?
barang2 mekap la kan. haha
i tagged:
whoever wanna answer those questions.
1 damn important warning!!:
this question is really tiresome as I have to scroll up to look who's the person with the number.
lol :P
Sunday, June 7, 2009
You save my day.. :)
Manusia merancang, Tuhan menentukan.
Yah, pepatah ini sentiasa berkumandang dicorong telinga kita.
dan selalu gak la jadi kat kita selaku hamba-Nya yang lemah en.
so, ape motif nye aku pilih pepatah ni jadi topik utama perbualan kita? ooo.. ok2.. aku dah ade idea nak tulih ape.
Alkisah bermula dari hari Jumaat lepas. Aku menerima call dari mak.
Sabtunye, aku masih di UKM. Lepak2 ngn Ain Nordin. Patotnye Ain nk dtg umah ku, nk wat muffin ngan aku coz Beday ehem2 nye makin dekat. Tapi apakan daya, kunci umah takde. Lain la kalo aku ni McGyver ke kan. Dan sekali lagi, terhasil satu perancangan baik punya dari kepala 2 Ains ---->SHOPPING!!! @_@
Memang ditunggu2 neh~ aku cukup bahagia mendengar term ni dikala mid year SALE ni ok! Lalu tunas2 saraf otak mula berfungsi dengan pantas sekali, merancang2 ape yang mahu dibeli;
... tapi... sekali lagi perancangan terpaksa dibatalkan. Tengah2 aku lepak sabtu malam Ahad dengan kak Ill, masuklah satu mesej yg more or less bermaksud begini:
kepala terus merancang2. ape ye aku nak wat sok? Ain ngan Kak Ill kuar ngn mambang masing2. Aku? Rotten kot la kat Zaba neh..
Bangun keesokan harinya (Ahad), received a message :
Yah, pepatah ini sentiasa berkumandang dicorong telinga kita.
dan selalu gak la jadi kat kita selaku hamba-Nya yang lemah en.
so, ape motif nye aku pilih pepatah ni jadi topik utama perbualan kita? ooo.. ok2.. aku dah ade idea nak tulih ape.
Alkisah bermula dari hari Jumaat lepas. Aku menerima call dari mak.
Along, mak nak balik kampung Melaka la esok (sabtu).
So, this week Along takyah balik la eh?
monolog ku:
*waaaaa! abes tu, cane ngn baju sume ni? sape nak basoh? Along? malas2..*
*waaaaa! abes tu, cane ngn baju sume ni? sape nak basoh? Along? malas2..*
Mak, kalo tinggal kunci kat rumah cik Mas ke, cik Arul ke, cik Norli ke takleh? (mereka merupakan jiran2 tetanggaku)
Dorang takdela Along, balik kampung gak.
*semuala kan dan2 nak balik kampung this week.
urm.. ok la, nk wat cane en.
*menangis dalam hati.. wuwuw*
*menangis dalam hati.. wuwuw*
Sabtunye, aku masih di UKM. Lepak2 ngn Ain Nordin. Patotnye Ain nk dtg umah ku, nk wat muffin ngan aku coz Beday ehem2 nye makin dekat. Tapi apakan daya, kunci umah takde. Lain la kalo aku ni McGyver ke kan. Dan sekali lagi, terhasil satu perancangan baik punya dari kepala 2 Ains ---->SHOPPING!!! @_@
Memang ditunggu2 neh~ aku cukup bahagia mendengar term ni dikala mid year SALE ni ok! Lalu tunas2 saraf otak mula berfungsi dengan pantas sekali, merancang2 ape yang mahu dibeli;
oh mungkin tak memandangkan dah beli ngan Angah tempohari..bajuh=checked,
... tapi... sekali lagi perancangan terpaksa dibatalkan. Tengah2 aku lepak sabtu malam Ahad dengan kak Ill, masuklah satu mesej yg more or less bermaksud begini:
Ain, bad news, aku ade plan lain sok-ain N.
*sekali lagi aku menangis dalam ati*
but hey, I'm just ok.
*sekali lagi aku menangis dalam ati*
but hey, I'm just ok.
kepala terus merancang2. ape ye aku nak wat sok? Ain ngan Kak Ill kuar ngn mambang masing2. Aku? Rotten kot la kat Zaba neh..
Bangun keesokan harinya (Ahad), received a message :
"..... ..... ..... bla3"
Wallaweyyy~~~~ Yippie! :)
and the days went fine..
wonderfully unexpected..
Thanx dear..
You save my day ;)

and the days went fine..
wonderfully unexpected..
Thanx dear..
You save my day ;)

chet, dah bape jam aku update blog ni baru terigt satu cite,
time aku dan Dia beratur nk bayar barang kat Carrefour tuh, ade la sorang minah ni kan, tetibe je die potong que kitorg! ait! tak ke cam bab-1 kan perangai nya ituh? grrr!! aku cukup anti weh makhluk2 Tuhan sebegini rupa. Lantas aku bersuara:
Oh, pompuan tu buat badak je eh. Siot ko! (or is it suara aku yg agak tenggelam ketika itu?) geram aku! Actually bukan brg aku yg nk dibayar tu, tapi aku mmg hangin la kan. Pastu ley plak 'Dia' biarkan pompuan ni byr dlu. 1 barang je katanye. eeeee!! geram tau! menyirap aku dibuatnye. Takpe2, naseb baik pompuan tu just bayar 1 spek kanak2 jenama Barbie (mata aku memang sharp ok). But then, tengah2 pompuan ni byr, ley plak die dok sebok panggil2 mak die kat blkg. And OMG, mak die ley bawak baju2 yg maybe dalam 3,4 helai. Eh! ini sudah lebeyh. Time pompuan tu dok kalut panggil mak die, aku lak cepat2 soh Dia bayar. aaaa baru puas ati aku! huh
p/s: Sabar aku bertempat.
time aku dan Dia beratur nk bayar barang kat Carrefour tuh, ade la sorang minah ni kan, tetibe je die potong que kitorg! ait! tak ke cam bab-1 kan perangai nya ituh? grrr!! aku cukup anti weh makhluk2 Tuhan sebegini rupa. Lantas aku bersuara:
Oh, pompuan tu buat badak je eh. Siot ko! (or is it suara aku yg agak tenggelam ketika itu?) geram aku! Actually bukan brg aku yg nk dibayar tu, tapi aku mmg hangin la kan. Pastu ley plak 'Dia' biarkan pompuan ni byr dlu. 1 barang je katanye. eeeee!! geram tau! menyirap aku dibuatnye. Takpe2, naseb baik pompuan tu just bayar 1 spek kanak2 jenama Barbie (mata aku memang sharp ok). But then, tengah2 pompuan ni byr, ley plak die dok sebok panggil2 mak die kat blkg. And OMG, mak die ley bawak baju2 yg maybe dalam 3,4 helai. Eh! ini sudah lebeyh. Time pompuan tu dok kalut panggil mak die, aku lak cepat2 soh Dia bayar. aaaa baru puas ati aku! huh
p/s: Sabar aku bertempat.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
berita terkini.
bile ye aku last update blog?
oh, ahad lepas, time attend kenduri kak Dila tu. ok2 arini agak lapang sikit dado dan palehot den. maka, bermulalah segala-galanya disini.
Berita gembira?
oh, tentulah berita kepulangan laptop kesayangan ke pangkuan tuannya yg menanti ngn penuh kesabaran ni (latar belakang: seorang wanita duduk di tangga rumah seolah-olah menanti kepulangan anakandanya beraya. hehe). penat ni weh tunggu. 12-03-2009 aritu aku anta kedai. Tibanya ? 03-06-2009 ok!! nk kat 3 bulan aku tunggu. siot tol ar kedai tu. Rosak kat hardware, so that dorg ganti power port, mainboard n dvd drive tu. Kire takde format la coz bukan dlm2 yg infected kan. Gile la kan aku menyiapkan thesis aku kalo takde meminjam laptop dari somebody else. Angah! thanx so much! along sayang kamuh atas kesudian meminjamkan laptop mu ituh. hehes.
Lagi berita gembira?
I won a lucky draw for double movie tickets..!!! sgt hepi ok since tak penah2 aku dpt cabutan bertuah sehebat ini. hahaha :D n now still waiting for the snail mail n tak saba2 nk tau bile nye movie tu. cepatla!!! haha. urmm.. nk tgk ngn sape eh? haha
Lagi lagi berita gembira?
Kereta viva yg ku bawa ke hulu hilir tu dah servis. Memang sgt hepy, bwk pon sedap je skg. Tukar minyak itam la kan. Thanx ayah! ;)
Berita tak brape hepi?
So far takde ar. hehe. ade pon tak teruk mana. lumrah hidup has it ups n downs :)
wanna wish:
1) hepi 22n besday to my ex-rummet time matrix dlu. Yan-to! on 05-06-2009.
2) and also to Nadia Anuar my fren kat Sambest dlu. on 06-06-2009.
sayang kamuh! muack! ;)
oh, ahad lepas, time attend kenduri kak Dila tu. ok2 arini agak lapang sikit dado dan palehot den. maka, bermulalah segala-galanya disini.
Berita gembira?
oh, tentulah berita kepulangan laptop kesayangan ke pangkuan tuannya yg menanti ngn penuh kesabaran ni (latar belakang: seorang wanita duduk di tangga rumah seolah-olah menanti kepulangan anakandanya beraya. hehe). penat ni weh tunggu. 12-03-2009 aritu aku anta kedai. Tibanya ? 03-06-2009 ok!! nk kat 3 bulan aku tunggu. siot tol ar kedai tu. Rosak kat hardware, so that dorg ganti power port, mainboard n dvd drive tu. Kire takde format la coz bukan dlm2 yg infected kan. Gile la kan aku menyiapkan thesis aku kalo takde meminjam laptop dari somebody else. Angah! thanx so much! along sayang kamuh atas kesudian meminjamkan laptop mu ituh. hehes.
Lagi berita gembira?
I won a lucky draw for double movie tickets..!!! sgt hepi ok since tak penah2 aku dpt cabutan bertuah sehebat ini. hahaha :D n now still waiting for the snail mail n tak saba2 nk tau bile nye movie tu. cepatla!!! haha. urmm.. nk tgk ngn sape eh? haha
Lagi lagi berita gembira?
Kereta viva yg ku bawa ke hulu hilir tu dah servis. Memang sgt hepy, bwk pon sedap je skg. Tukar minyak itam la kan. Thanx ayah! ;)
Berita tak brape hepi?
So far takde ar. hehe. ade pon tak teruk mana. lumrah hidup has it ups n downs :)
wanna wish:
1) hepi 22n besday to my ex-rummet time matrix dlu. Yan-to! on 05-06-2009.
2) and also to Nadia Anuar my fren kat Sambest dlu. on 06-06-2009.
sayang kamuh! muack! ;)
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