Tuesday, January 29, 2008

speech intro

public speaking subject: we all have to rehearse our speech intro today. I just prepared it for 2 days and today got to present it in front of my class - glad that all of us are just ladies, no guys at all. hehe. i choose the topic: 'the effects of early marriage'. we gotta choose any topic that related with Malaysian as the audience can get beneficial info and apply in their life.

in the beginning, i'm very nervous to the max! the attention getter used in my intro is telling a story. I told them the story about a cute little girl who's still 8 years old, already being married to a 14 year-old guy. this true story took place in the village of Ramnicellu at Romania. the villagers tend to continue this practice as the tradition practiced since long before. I felt so glad that I was born in this country that don't practice this tradition in our daily life.

most of the audience commented that my presentation is understandable, the attention getter is good etc. kembang jap la. hua3. (who doesn't?) but still, there's some of mispronunciations and the time taken is quite short - 1 min and a half. the minimum time is 2 minutes. so i have to make some homework to fix any weaknesses in my speech intro.

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