Sunday, February 15, 2009

..Tiresome yet Beneficial

hari ahad and sabtu baru-baru ni sememangnya memenatkan jiwa dan rage aku. coz join program Kebolehpasaran kat DG aritu. and somehow I feel proud of myself coz I managed to follow it from the beginning till the end. what that I got? so many valuable experiences from the representatives of the companies participated (i.e: MISC, Sunway Group, GE-General Electrics) as well as a brand new spirit to begin my day (ceceyh, aku ke ni weh? hhehe)
well, there were some words that frequently mentioned by them:

  • Think Out of the Box

    • Be Proactive

    • Creative is What the Company Searching for

    • Teamwork

    • Attitude plays the most Important Role rather than academics result..

and so on , so forth...

and I admit that I've been inspired by them, how they gain experiences and skills by being the lowest position in the company and slowly climbing up to what there are now. and they never stop growing. Growth happens when you learn something new, you make mistake, you learn from it and never repeat the same mistakes.

hope that the program makes me a better person than what I am now.
enough said. (actually, i got no more idea to write this entry. heh)

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