Finally, yesterday(Wednesday) was my final day at Pernec. Having lunch at JJ with the team members including our IT Dept's CEO. So sad lor.. after this no more going to TM by LRT, takde dah naik tren 4 gerabak tu. hihi. but glad dat already got the chances to do so before I'm leaving this KL life.
After all, Sabak Bernam is still in Selangor rite? Even at the border, but still.. err in Sgor rite. haha. (nak menyedap ati)
Then took photos together. Having a chat. ohh rindu weyh. banyak kenangan even tak sampai setahun. Sangat2 mematangkan aku rase, at least dah rase kan camne bergelumang ngan life as an office girl. Bertemu dengan klien, show them how to navigate the system, to do any changes in a correct and proper way. Huwaa dah takde dah pasni. huhu..
n jugak, sebelah malamnye melepak ngn seisi rumah, ke Satey Kajang kat Gombak nun. walhal baru je aritu makan ngan family. hihi. Kak Nora ingat nk celeb bday girl, upenye Farewell dinner. huhu.. rindu rindu rindu tahap gaban ar pasnih. asal tgk Supernatural kang teringat kak Nora. Asal tgk lipas kang, teringat Wani. (erk?) Asal lepak mamak kang teringat adegan kitorg dok buli kak Sal soh wat air.. hihi.. syok woo. rugi besar ar sape xdok ngn housemate2 ku ituh. hehe (promo sikit sape nk dok umah sewa ganti aku pasni kang weyyyy~ hehe). but really, they are awesome! Makan pon share2, sharing is caring is our motto! (tetibe je ade moto. haha)
Ok, whatever it takes, always believe that I, we, us can do it! InsyaAllah.. Yeah bore2! (org Jepon takley sebot 'L'.. hhee.. ) da...
with Zalman, Epin.
with Sim, my project manager :)
with Azrul, whom helps me a lot!! and Thana-de macho guy! haha.
with Ash & Dee.
Both of 'em really teach & guide me on how to survive in this life!! ^_^
Muchos Gerazias me amigo!! ^_^
Dee, Ash, Thana. Thanx 4 everythings!! ^_^
Wani & Kak Sal.
Arigatok Wani 4 always being there during my ups and downs!
can't forget bout the cockroach thingy and the accident loer.
still scared whenever I'm thinking of it. huu~
with Kak Nora & Kak Sal.
Both are just like siblings.
So closed ar ahkak berdua nih. hehe :)